Brington Fairy Pool (Northamptonshire)

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The nineteenth century writer Sternberg has an interesting passage on a fairy pool at Brington (Great or Little?). The description is a particularly vivid one. Could it be Brickfield Spinney on the OS map below?

The affinity of our fairies with the whole kindred of Teutonick alfen is still further developed by the great partiality they evince for water. In the shady stillnes of a summer’s eve they took delight in bathing and sporting among the waters of some lonely pond, or sedgy bend of a rippling brook. In some parts of the county there are ponds which, from this circumstance, rcceived the name of ‘fairy pools.’ Near the village of Brington ‘is one so designated, where, I have been assured, a few years ago they might be seen rollicking on the surface, and gambolling among the water-plants which lined the edges. Wells are also favourite places of their resort; and there appears to be a vague species of apprehension in the rustic mind at even passing a lonely well after night-fall. Shakespeare’s elves, it will be remembered, met: ‘By paved fountain, or by mshy brook.’ And Fletcher speaks of: ‘A virtuous well, about whose flowery banks/ The nimble-footed fairies dance their rounds.’  Sternberg, 136

fairy pool brington

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