Preston, 1922. A beautiful female nature-spirit, exactly like a small tree-deva, has a residence in a thick hedge near by, where the growth of brambles, creepers and bright red hawthorn berries is profuse. Evidently processes similar to those in trees take place in big hedges. This nature-spirit is of a particularly engaging character. She is perhaps three or four feet high, lightly robed in a flowing transparent filmy garment, and looks straight at us, with the frankest and friendliest of smiles; she is remarkably vital and gives the impression of great dynamic energy held in perfect control. Her aura is noticeably alive, and looks like a cloud, of soft but radiant hues, though which shafts of dazzling light flash and radiate. The colours are far beyond any earthly colours in delicacy, ranging through shades of soft luminous plae rose, pale soft green, lavender and misty blue, thoughout which brilliant lances of light are constantly passing. She is in a state of exalted happiness. As an experiment I yielded voluntarily to the powerful glamour of her presence, and for a time, unconscious of the body yet always sufficiently awake in it to return at will, experienced some measure of the joyful and radiant happiness which seems to be the permanent condition of all the dwellers in the fairy world. There is danger in too close a contact; it requires a decided effort to withdraw and take up the burden of fleshly existence once again. Geoffrey Hodson, Fairies at Work and at Play, (London: Theosophical Publishing House, 1930), 77-78