Why separate Ulster fairies (those from the nine counties – six British, three Irish – of Antrim, Armagh, Cavan, Donegal, Derry, Down, Fermanagh, Monaghan and Tyrone) from those of the rest of Ireland? Whatever the political and religious divisions surely fairies can rise above Sinn Fein and Orange Marches? Well, the truth is that though fairy legends from Ulster do have a great deal in common with those from elsewhere in Ireland the Protestant population, the proximity to Scotland and perhaps to Man, the embattled nature of Gaelic traditions have all led to slightly different fairy beliefs.
Ulster Fairy Places
Ulster Fairy Beliefs
Food Offerings (Co. Armagh)
The Fairies Are the Dead (Co. Armagh)
The Gentle Folk (County Donegal)
Ulster Fairy Tales
Fairy Shoes (co. Down)
Flying to the Mainland from Rathlin (Co. Antrim)
Kidnapped Fiddler (Co. Antrim)
Johnnie and the Fairy Funeral (Co. Antrim)
Riding a Man (Co. Derry)
Weaving Fairies and Ned Judge (Co. Antrim)
Ulster Fairy Sightings
Adventures at Cushendall (Co. Antrim)
Annalong Fairies (Co. Down)
Antrim Fairies Try to Steal Baby!
Bilberry Hunting and Fairies (Co. Donegal)
Careful of that Stick! (Co. Antrim)
Chasing a Leprechaun (Co Derry)
Child Murder of Changeling Belief (Co Antrim)
Child or Changeling Death (Co. Armagh)
Death of Fairy Patrick (Co. Donegal)
Dervock Fairy Sighting (Co. Antrim)
Don’t Touch Fairy Strings! (Co. Antrim)
Fairies as Butterflies (Co. Antrim)
Fairies Teach Herbalism (Co. Antrim)
Fairy Assault (Co. Donegal)
Fairy Assault (Co. Monaghan)
Fairy at Moneymore, Co. Derry, 1936
Fairy Cairn at Dunloy (Co. Antrim)
Fairy Child Poisoned in Donegal
Fairy Deathbed Conversion (Co. Tyrone)
Fairy Fence Pulling (Co. Derry)
Fairy Fiddle (Ulster)
Fairy Glove (Co. Down)
Fairy Hand Warming (Co. Donegal)
Fairy in Search of Charlie (Co. Antrim)
Fairy Swindler in County Fermanagh (Co Fermanagh)
Fairy or Ghost in Field (Dromitree, Co. Armagh)
Fairy Struck, Magic Thread and Fight (Co. Cavan)
Fairy Urban Planning (Co. Antrim)
Fairy Water Tricks (Co. Down)
Fairies as the Dead (Dromitee, Co. Armagh
Fairies or Murder (Ulster)
His People, The Fairies (Co. Cavan)
Horse Racing the Fairies (Co. Down)
How Did John Get into the Crevasse? (Co. Antrim)
John and the Prophetic Fairies (Co. Antrim)
Lizzie Crow’s Banshee (Co. Cavan)
Meeting Them (Co. Antrim)
Mrs McCrink and the Fairies (Dromintree, Ireland)
Seals, Foxes and Banshees (Co. Donegal)
Shanven, The Old Woman (Co. Antrim)
Shoe My Horse! (Co. Antrim)
The Fairy of Slieve Gullion (Co. Armagh)
Travelling Clairvoyance (Co. Fermanagh)
Tunes from the Fairies (Co. Antrim)
Ulster Fairy Books
Foster, Jeanne Cooper Ulster Folklore, illustrated by Rowel Friers (Belfast, H.R.Carter 1951)