Fairy Bookshop

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fairy bookshop

The Fairy Bookshop includes several titles that are extremely rare and that have been reprinted in house. Books are arranged, put through a high quality printer and then bound and hand stitched. The quality of the books is excellent hence the price – 60 dollars per book – which includes postage to anywhere in the world. In some very rare instances the book may have sold out and a new copy will have to be made: this usually takes about ten days. Payment can be made by an Amazon Voucher or if need be by Paypal.

Gisela Piaschewski, Der Wechselbalg [the changeling] first published in Breslau in 1935, 200 pp.

Bernard Sleigh, The Gates of Horn: Being Sundry records from the proceedings of the Society for the Investigation of Faery Fact & Fallacy, originally published in 1926. Note that this edition includes Sleigh’s subsequent story The Dryad’s Child, 286 pp


Anon, The John O’London Fairy Letters, 100 pp [about 4000 words, large print with illustrations and original text]

Forthcoming… Scary Fairy Collection Volume 1

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