Not that there are Creatures of a third kind distinct from Men and Spirits of so small a stature, as Paracelsus fancied, which he was pleased to stile non-Adamical Men; but that the Devils as they are best pleased with the sacrifices of young Children (which are frequently offered by Midwife-Witches in some Countries, their fat being the chief ingredient wherewith they make the Oyntment indispensably necessary for their transportation to their Field-Conventicles) so it seems they delight themselves chiefly in the assumtion of teh shapes of Children of both Sexes, as we are credibly informed by sober Authors, such as Georgius Agricola, Wierus, and others; who affairm them so frequent, especially in the German, Hungarian and Helvetian (Mr Bushell seems also to hint the same in our Welsh Silver) Mines, tht they have given them divers names in their respective places, as in Germany those in the shapes of Men, they call Cobalos, and those in the shapes of Women, Trullas, and Sibyllas albas; so in Italy they call them Folletos and Empedusas, and in other places Screlingeros, Gutelos, Bergmanlin, etc. Robert Plot 12-13 (17 century)