In Cardiganshire it was firmly believed that one class of them were definitely hostile and particularly so to the Methodists, whom they had singled out for their especial disfavor, going so far on one or two occasions as to molest visiting ministers. But, here, the peasantry may have confused the fairies with another order of supernatural beings, though one writer says that he had been informed by a Monmouthshire person ‘that they are not partial at ll to the gospel and that they left Monmouthshire on account of there being so much preaching, praying to, and praising God, which were averse to their dispositions.’ The old guide to the waterfalls of Glyn Neach also said the same thing, that is, that they were driven away from Craig y Dinas ‘by the preaching of the gospel’. D. Parry-Jones, Welsh Legends and Fairy Lore, 24