An acquaintance of mine, a man perfectly firm to tell the truth, being out at night heard a hunting in the air, and as if they overtook something which they hunted after, and being overtaken made a miserable cry among them, and seemed to escape; but overtaken again, made the same dismal cry; and again escaped, and followed after till out of hearing. Some have been so hardy as to lye down by the way side where the Corpse-Candle passed, that they may see what passed; for they were not hurted who did not stand in the way. Some have seen the resemblance of a skull carrying the Candle, others the shape of the person that is to die carrying the Candle between its fore-fingers, holding the light before its face, Some have said that they saw the shape of those who were to be at the burying. I am willing to suspend my belief of this as seeming to be extravagant, though their foreboding knowledge of mortality appears to be very wonderful and undeniable.