‘Sowans,’ or in northern pronunciation ‘sones,’ is a dish in Scotland. It is made from ‘pron’ i.e. siftings of oatmeal. The ‘pron’ is first steeped in water in the ‘sone bowie,’ and allowed to stand for a short time. It is then poured into the C’se ysones and drained, and thus all the ‘sids’ are removed and nothing is left but the flour of the meal. When the ‘pron’ was put into the ‘bowie,’ and water poured over it, a burning coal was thrown by some canny goodwives into the mixture. This they did to prevent the fairies from urinating amongst it. Gregor, Walter ‘Stories of Fairies from Scotland’ The Folk-Lore Journal 1 (1883), 55-58 at 56-57