The South-East (Kent, Surrey and East and West Sussex) has the single most disappointing collection lore from Britain and Ireland. Why is this? Is it simply that proximity to London and wealth from Continental trade destroyed rural life and rural superstitions more quickly. Or was there always a deficit of fairy-lore in this part of Britain? Did the medieval men and women of Kent concentrate on witches and midges?
South-Eastern Fairy Places
Burlough Castle (Alfriston)
Frensham Church (Surrey)
South-Eastern Fairy Beliefs
Dictionary Definition: Pharisees or Fairisies in Kent
Dictionary Definition: Fairy Sparks in Kent
South-Eastern Fairy Sightings
Fairies in Ecclesbourne Glen (East Sussex)
Tom Charman and the New Forest Fairies
South-Eastern Fairy Books [warning small fairy content!]
Doel, F and G. Doel, Folklore of Kent (Stroud: History Press 2002)
Lane, Michael Surrey Lore and Legend (SB Publications 2000)
Simpson, Jacqueline Folklore of Sussex (Stroud: History Press 2009)
And this excellent web page from Sussex Arch