Stowmarket Fairies, (Feriers or Ferishers.) The whole of the Hundred is remarkable for fairy stories, ghost adventures, and other marvellous legends. Fairies frequented several houses in Tavern Street about 80 to 100 years since. They never appeared as long as any one was about. People used to lie hid to see them, and some have seen them. Once in particular by a wood-stack up near the brick-yard there was a large company of them dancing, singing, and playing music together. They were very small people, quite little creatures and very merry, But as soon as they saw anybody they all vanished away. In the houses after they had fled on going upstairs sparks of fire as bright as stars used to appear under the feet of the persons who disturbed them. Hollingworth Hist of Stowmarket (1844) 248 [Guderon 36-37]