McQuillan was assaulted by one Andrew Murphy. Murphy’s defence Murphy attempted to undermine McQuillan’s credibility with the following questions that seem not to have applied to the night of the assault. ‘Mr Reid asked did the fairies ever beat you? Witness – they did. Mr Reid – Did the fairies ever come and take a loaf our of your hand? Witness – They did one dark night. Mr Reid – Did they take half of the loaf first? Witness – Yes. Mr Reid – And you told them that if they spared your life you would give them the other half? Witness – I did and I gave it to them. Mr Reid – This is a man to bring a charge of assault. Mr Boyle – It was not the fairies that cut his head at any rate.’ Murphy was found guilty. ‘McQuillan and the Fairies’, Freeman’s Journal and Daily Commercial Advertiser (13 Sep 1898), 6.