An inquest was held on Saturday last, on the body of a man the name of Connor, a schoolmaster, in the neighbourhood of Castle Nenor, a county of Sligo. This unfortunate man had expressed his determination to read his recantation on the following Sunday, notwithstanding all the efforts of his friends to dissuade him; they succeeded in enticing him into a house, where he was found suspended from the ceiling. A verdict of Wilful Murder against persons unknown was found at the inquest, and warrants were issued against his own father and two of his cousins on suspicion of having perpetrated the deed. These persons endeavoured to circulate a report that he had been hanged by the fairies. It appeared on the inquest that those persons, who were the first to give the alarm, had passed by some houses in the immediate vicinity of the house where the body was found hanging. Crofton Croker, Fairy Legends II (1828), p. viii-ix