Michael Laverty told me that about twelve years ago, in the month of June, for three successive evenings, a little man dressed in grey came from the direction of the bridge going to Knocknacarry, and came up nearly to the cross roads, calling out, ‘Hi, Charlie, Charlie.’ On the third evening, Laverty rushed across his garden in front of the forge to intercept and catch him if possible, but the fairy was too quick for him. Laverty once thought he had grasped him, when going over the fence into McGregor’s field, between the mill-race and river, but the fairy vanished. Several persons who were in the forge on the evenings in question heard and saw the wee man, who appeared just at the gloaming, but after this chase he was never seen again. Charles M’Keown, when a boy, at Cushendall fair, was asked for twopence by an ugly wrinkled little man. Being frightened, he gave the money, and then the fairy told him to keep a sharp look out as he was going along, and lo! he found a bank note lying against a Ben-weed. Brenan 61