Edmund Daniel of the Arail (an honest man, a constant speaker of truth, and of much observation) told me that he often saw the fairies after sunset crossing the Cefn Bach from the Valley of the Church towards Hafod-y-dafol. Before any falling out in the parish, they passed on – leaping and striking in the air – making a path in the air, much of this form. [a wavy line as above] Of the truth of this observation, I saw a notable verification. For the last time he spoke to me about it, he told me beforehand that some mischevious contention would come to pass in the parish, and that it was not far off. He told me, also, where he thought it would be. The thing, indeed, unhappily came to pass – but not where he thought it would be, but in another place and among another people. This shows that he did not speak cunningly to gain applause of his foreknowledge of things to come. He was indeed above that meanness, and never apprehended to be a lying, guileful man by any who knew him. He was a discerning man and made conscience of telling the truth. Jones