On Monday last three young women name Sarah Reynolds, Margaret Magaghran, and another, were brought before Captain Erskine, J.P., Cavan, for assaulting and abusing each other. It seems that a day or two previous, Sarah Reynolds, who has a child whom she imagines to be fairy-struck, communicated her misgivings on that point to her two companions, when the three immediately agreed to start off in search of a wizard or fairy-man, living some miles distant, who would supply them with a magic thread to remedy the mischief done by the evil-minded fairies. On their way, they made rather free with the ‘mountain dew’, and before arriving at the fairy-man’s they quarrelled and battered each other with great gusto. The upshot of the expedition was that three ‘chums’ returned to Cavan minus some blood, but plus a goodly quantity of alcohol.’ Belfast News-Letter (9 August 1852) p. 1