W. L. M. told me, — that going upon an errand by night, from the house of Jane Edmund, of Abertilery [Monmouthshire], he heard like the voice of many persons speaking one to the other, at some distance from him; he again listened attentively, then he heard like the falling of a tree, which seemed to break other trees as it fell; he then heard a weak voice — like the voice of a person in pain and misery, which frightened him much, and prevented him proceeding on his journey. Those were Fairies which spoke in his hearing, and they doubtless spoke about his death, and imitated the moan which he made, when some time after he fell from off a tree, which proved his death. This account, previous to his death, he gave me himself. He was a man much alienated from the life of God, though surrounded with the means of knowledge and grace; but there was no cause to question the veracity of his relation. Jones