Nor have the Heavens and Air only presented the Eye with unusual Objects, but also the ear has sometimes been as much surprised from them: for not to mention some unknown noises pretended to have been heard about Arewas, nor the shreeks as it were of persons about to murdered said to be heard about Frodley: We need go not farther for an instance than the same Town of Wednesbury, where the Colyers will tell you that early in the morning as they go to their work and from the Cole-pits themselves, they sometime sheard the noise of a pack of hounds in the Air, which has happened so frequently that they have got a name for them, calling them Gabriels hounds, though the more sober and judicious take them only to be Wild-geese, making this noise in their flight; which perhaps may be probable enough, for upon consulting the Ornithologists I find them one of the gregarious migratory kind, to fly from Country to Country in the night, noctu tranjiciunt, says Aldrovandus of them, and to be very obstreperous either when wearyed with flying, or their order if broken, they flying ordine literato after the manner of cranes. Robert Plot 22