John McDonnell, Altagore, has what he avers is an enchanted stone, Shanven, ‘an old woman’: it has been known for over two hundred years, and held in great veneration. It formerly belonged to a M’Kay, who held property in the neighbourhood. He kept it in his garden as long as he lived. Food was always left on this stone for the Grogan. At the time of M’Kay’s death this head or chief fairy, with blue coat, short pants, and long brown stockings and Highland bonnet, was seen, and then disappeared. The food given consisted of a piece of oatmeal cake and butter left on the stone, and this was always eaten during the nights. Once a mason, when building a gate-pier for M’Kay, took this stone, as it suited his purpose, and built it into the gate-pier, not knowing it to be enchanted; but in the morning the stone was found to have been removed, and placed back in the garden. M’Kay’s property was divided and sold at his death; he died from a pestilence that swept off hundreds at that time, and he was carried on a slide to his grave in Cross-skeen burying place, which was then first used for burial. Brenan 62-63