A young woman, who stated that she was familiar with the fairies came to the family of a young man named Skelly, who had left the country for Sydney about two years ago, who had since died in England; she told them that she had seen him among the fairies, and that if they followed her advice he would be restored to them. The poor people believed her, and started off to a hill called Knockshegoura, but missed him there. The impostor then took them to a rath near Durrow, but pretended that she was informed by the queen of the fairies that she should go the following night, without a single article of her own dress, and unaccompanied by any person, save the sister of the deceased. The Skelly’s provided her with whatever clothes she required, and she set out for a rath at Knockshegoura, near Borris; but Skelly’s sister being unable to keep up with her, the pretended ‘wise woman’ was soon out of sight, and has not since been heard of.’ The ‘young woman’ in question seems not to have been prosecuted. Anon, ‘Superstition’, 1842, 2