Mary Gormley was indicted that she, on the 15th day of June 1866, did feloniously steal and keep Anthony Daly, the child of Patrick Daly. Messrs. West, Q. C., and Jordan prosecuted. The prisoner was defended by Mr Regan, an attorney. It appeared that the prisoner had been carrying on an illicit intercourse with a person of the name of Cooney, a married man, and represented to him she was about being confined. This, however, was untrue, but to carry out the deception she looked out for a child to substitute as if for her own. The prosecutor Daly lived near the prisoner, and his wife was confined on the 10th June of a son, which he and his wife had in bed between them on the night of the 14th of June and when the mother awoke the child was gone. She rushed out of the room in a state of perfect nudity, and ran through the fields searching the ditches with a stick for the child, believing the fairies had taken it, but was unsuccessful. Three days after she heard the prisoner had an infant, and she went to her house. She saw the infant with the prisoner, and knew it by a piece of flannel which it had on when stolen. Dr Mulvy was examined and deposed that the prisoner had not been a mother, and, therefore the story was fabricated. The jury found the prisoner guilty, and she was sentenced to six months’ imprisonment with hard labour.’ Anon, Freeman’s Journal and Daily Commercial Advertiser, ‘County Galway’ (16 July 1866), p. 4